Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Hey yall'
Today is my niece Sage Olivia's birthday  she is 5.  So I can't think of a better day to birth my blog.  At least, I won't forget the day.  I have wanted to do this for a long time.  So I am very excited.  I hope you will join me in this new venture.  The only way for me to succeed at this is your participation.  Don't just except what I say.  I need  you to add to, share in, fight me and wrestle with what is said here.  Selfishly I am hoping to get a lot out of this sight too. Let's expect a lot  from each other.  I was trying to think of a term to describe this learning method where we both contribute, learn from and share..  The best I came up with is devour, digest, and dump.  Of course it would have to do with food.  I love to eat.  Ha!  It's a little gross too.  Which I also love.  Truly, I hope we can laugh, love, and learn together here.  So let's get started.
This has been a great study month for me.  I got through 2 books, both very different, and both really gave me pause.   One phrase I thought was interesting was the idea of pursuing wholeness.  I'm not sure we are ever complete or whole.  At least I hope not.  I want to always feel like there is something new to discover about myself.  How boring it would be to think, this is all there is.  I want MORE!  ( Isn't that a song from High School Musical 2?)   I think our world causes us to put up walls.  It's a protective mechanism.   I think the walls block us.  Keep us in.  They keep us from getting to where we are going.    I'm not saying that we don't need some boundaries, only that we need to make them more temporary   When you think of a wall you think of it being more permanent.  With time we can get to a place where we won't need the protection.  That we can stand up and fight.  I want us to fight for wholeness.  To be whole means to experience lots of things.  It means we can be successful.   It means understanding ourselves.  It means really living.    Did you ever think that you might be living with yourself but not really seeing or knowing yourself?  I think it happens all the time.  How can we discover our true selves.  What do we need to get through our walls. And free ourselves.  A sledge hammer!   Those who know me, know Don and I have literally been knocking down some walls in our house.  There can be lots of anxiety around destruction or demolition.  But, that first blow with the hammer and the anxiety turns into excitement.  When we get through the demolition of the walls then we see our soul, our heart and can begin the reconstruction of ourselves and begin to live developing our whole selves.  It's living from our hearts and actually feeling connected to our soul.  Exploring new things, taking on new challenges, and allowing ourselves an experience through each phase.  Some easy, some hard but always growing and become more whole.


  1. i think for some ppl its more difficult because we've had bad experiences . with things. Its not as easy as saying im going to be more open. Its easier for girls to open up because they like talking about their true feelings lol. My wall you talk about helps me not to bring other ppl down. More fun loving to be around beacuse im not always wining about problems. i understand we need to get things out but some things are left better unsaid. -Ashton

  2. "I WANT MORE!" yeah it's from the song Fabulous off of HSM2, It was bothering me too so I looked it up lol..I love this blog thing because it's a lot easier to understand and get the whole message than chopped up texts =)..anywho...

    I know exactly what you're saying about walls. I myself have many of walls that I have been building up in my life. One example: Connecting and Truely Communicating with my parents. I'm slowly trying to break those walls down too...begin to use my sledgehammer. I think it's possible to break thru and truely succeed, I mean Becky, you and your family are a prime example for you have broken thru many walls and have overcome many obstacles that were thrown into your path of life. I hope we all can break down our walls and hopefully do them together because there is nothing like a friend being by your side for support, love, and advice along the way.
    Like the great writers of Dove chocolate said: "You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." -Amanda

  3. Becky, I love your thoughts, and LOVE the analogy of the demolition turning to excitement AFTER we take that first swing at the wall. Ashtyn and Amanda are so right...walls are put up to protect ourselves and others. However, true living can only happen when we allow our Creator to move as He wants - and that usually means giving Him freedom to move and demolish walls. He came to give us abundant life (John 10:10); from personal experience, the walls often keep us from His abundance. He never promised it would be easier; in fact, He promised the opposite. But, loneliness and living a protected life ultimately ends in sadness. Only when we open our hearts to His direction and to loving other people; the hurting, the imperfect, the seekers, will we experience His perfect healing and adventure.
    I, for one, am glad to have torn down walls and let others in; I lived far too long w/ those protective barriers firmly in place. Breathe Him in...listen...read...trust...walk...run...Living with Him is an adventure. It's not easy, it's not comfortable, but it is amazing.
