Thursday, July 9, 2009


What is a given about we humans who are trying to live like Christ, is that we have all fallen short. We have all stumbled in different ways. But let's not get stuck identifying ourselves as first and foremost sinners. I used to live in this guilt on a regular basis. Never feeling enough. I thought I was bad. Hopeless to sin. That the amount of time I spent in His word or in interaction with Him was never enough. That my attitude and actions... stunk. And to be honest., they did. However, I was defeated before I even began. The problem there was less about the amount I was doing and more about the attitude I was doing it in. Guilt, was a big issue for me. A soft spot, that the devil used against me. I sure he thought he would convince me I was never doing enough. And he often did. I would be so defeated trying that I was drained by emotions of guilt and to busy worrying to do more. It was in my early motherhood years that someone identified this trap as the devil for me. I began asking myself a regular question. What is this motivation to do more I'm feeling? Is it positive or negative motivation.
The studying of God's word and a relationship of continuous dialogue with Him is a must! These disciplines and community with other believers, is the way to a deeper understanding of who Christ was and is in us. But lets do it because He has faith in us. Ok I know I'm kind of stuck in this message of God's faith in us. I just am challenged to not forget what he did for us on the cross, ( Rom. 6 :5, NLT ) We are united with Him, and free from sin's hold on us. He thought we were worth it!!!! He wants to remake us. That old creature we once were might try to raise it's head, but remind it that we are a new creation in Christ, being made into all that God intended for us to be.
We are all in different places in our stories of faith, forgiveness, and remaking. Christ wants to take it from here. Let's learn to live in the attitude that our old nature was buried with Christ. Decide today that it is only a reminder of where we came from and never want to go back to. (Phil.3:16 NLT) We must hold on to the progress we have already made. Push on in the Holy Spirit's power, knowing that He will fill in any gaps between what we are and who we should be. This isn't a break from working at it, only relief and assurance that He is working at it with you

1 comment:

  1. People ask me how they can become more godlike in this world. How it’s so difficult to get caught up in sin that god sometimes doesn’t feel like he's there. When you persevere the light, things might get in the way but nothing can stop you. Pursuing your passion in any way shape or form that god hands to you. Great message Becky. The devil always has tricks up his sleeve.
