Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'm reading a book by C.S. Lewis called "Mere Christianity". I remember a couple of years ago hearing our pastor talk about how C.S. Lewis began as an atheist. His argument of being an atheist and for becoming a christian was that atheism turns out to be too simple. Lewis states that if the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning. He goes on to talk about evil in a similar way. That evil, when you examine it, turns out to be the pursuit of some good in the wrong way. That to be bad we must have good things to want then to pursue in them in the wrong way. That we must have impulses which were originally good in order to be able to twist and pervert them. This idea of evil coming out of a corrupted good gets even bigger in his following chapters. He then speaks of whether or not there are two equal independent powers. One good, one evil.   C. S. Lewis calls this view of two independent powers, Dualism. He then defends his belief in Christianity over Dualism, as the good and strongest power by saying- the powers which enable evil to carry on are powers given it by goodness.All the things which enable a bad man to be effectively bad are in themselves good things. For example: cleverness, good looks, strong will, existence itself.  And that there is no experience of anyone liking badness just because it is bad.  The closest we can get to it is, cruelty.  But in real life people are cruel for one of two reasons- they are sadist, a sickness that makes cruelty a cause of pleasure to them, or for the sake of something they are going to get out of it- money, power, or safety.  That is why this theory doesn't jive. It can not work without first being good. The New Testament talks much about a Dark Power in the universe. A mighty spirit who was held responsible for death, disease, and sin. Lewis continues by saying that both Christianity and Dualism agree that this universe is at war. But, it does not think that the war is between two independent powers It is a rebellion and that we are living in the part of the universe occupied by the rebel. This is our war! Our King has come to battle with us disguised as the Holy Spirit. We must sabotage the plans of the rebel. When we go to church it is like getting secret intel from our army. That's why the enemy is so anxious to keep us from going. He is playing on our laziness and conceit. ( What church is and looks like for each of us is a whole nother can of worms...not today.)
Interesting isn't it, this way of thinking about christianity? Okay now, what do you think? This is food for thought. I want to hear your thoughts.

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